Movie Music Man

customized score & top library music for your media production

by Pedro Celli

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Film Noir

Perfect Score Collection

Presentation Picture - Film-Noir Edition

From the 1940s until the present time, Film Noir was and still is a beloved and very popular cliche. You can find many variations of that style but the hallmarks usually are: a shamus, a femme fatale, dramatically shadowed dark photography, flashbacks with voiceover narration and a general fatalistic mood.

Track 5 from 8: "The lady is a knockout"


$179 Bundle: 8 Songs

(non advertising license)


Reflective Cinema

Perfect Score Collection

Presentation Picture - Reflective-Cinema Edition

The Reflective Cinema Edition contains compositions that are a perfect fit for contemplative scenes or films that generally aim to evoke reflection from the audience.

Track 1 from 6: "Mind Traveller"


$149 Bundle: 6 Songs

(non advertising license)


Credit Card Badges

© Peter M.R. Schmidt alias Pedro Celli - The music recordings available through this website are protected by international copyright laws. Unauthorized copying, hiring, lending, public performance and broadcasting is prohibited. You may download the tracks for evaluation only. Using the music in association with a production requires the appropriate license to be purchased.

All third party trademarks (including logos and icons) referenced on this website remain the property of their respective owners. Design and programming by Peter M.R. Schmidt, © Copyright 2018. All rights reserved.