Movie Music Man

customized score & top library music for your media production

by Pedro Celli



The above sample clip introduces the orchestral score I created on behalf of Talking Lens Productions for the opening scene of the filmed storyboard of their feature film production titled: KICKBACK.

Audio excerpt from the above score

2 and Twenty-Six

Trailer for US feature film "2-and-Twentysix", directed by award winning Director Edward St. Joseph and produced by St. Juju productions.



Photo of Pedro Celli Pedro Celli, the Movie Music Man is a composer, performer and music producer currently located in Germany. He was enchanted and begun discovering the world of music at the age of nine. It was a radio broadcast of an orchestra work out of the impressionistic or late romantic era of the beginning 20th century which has evoked the magic of music which from there on followed and occupied his life until these days. The family situation was rather poor but, with persistence, he convinced his mother to buy a used piano and pay some basic piano lessons. From there on he should never leave the world of music. The local high school gave him the opportunity to focus on advanced music and composition analysis. He passed the examination on the subject of serial music and the twelve-tone music of "Arnold Schönberg" with excellency. Following the high school exam he studied music composition at the Johannes Gutenberg university in Mainz. Later on he was granted a scholarship at the conservatory in Montreux whereas he focussed in extending his piano playing as well as starting on playing electric bass.

Photo of Pedro Celli with Birdland Pedro Celli played in various band projects over the years and never stopped being active with his instruments. Besides piano and keyboards he professionally plays alto saxophone, soprano saxophone and flute. Even though his main focus is his work as composer, playing and extending his improvisation skill on his instruments always was and sure will continue to be the great source of inspiration and of course meditation.

Independent Orchestra Work

Besides composing and producing for movies I'm working on an independant orchestra piece titled "EVOLUTION"

The symphonic work is inspired and partially based on my piano improvisations from the CD CIVILIZATION.

Check out the new enchanting yet passionate draft for the Evolution prelude


The idea for the evolution project originally came up during the recording sessions for the CIVILIZATION CD.
Where the first piano solo CD MOMENTS had a strong Jazz attitude, the CIVILIZATION CD turned out to have a way more classical approach as to harmonization and chord progression. While listening to the first recordings I immediately realized the great orchestration potential that lies in the colorful and lively movements of the score. So I decided to orchestrate the original musical score from the piano recordings. Due to the constantly changing moods of the recording and the playful or rhytmically parts of the piece I can imagine the resulting orchestral work to be very suitable for a contemporary ballet performance or as a subject for a modern dance company. The title of the project derives from the original CIVILIZATION CD. However, whereas the CIVILIZATION CD is kind of a meditation or reflection on our so called civilization in it's current state, the EVOLUTION PROJECT aims at the human evolution in general. It shall be a colorful collection of pictures of the sometimes painful yet also funny and even strange development of the human nature, depicting ups and downs and hope and struggle.

Listen and compare the orchestra arrangements and the underlying piano records

Second movement, first orchestration Corresponding original piano recording

First movement, first orchestration Corresponding original piano recording

Civilization CD - Picture

Pedro Celli - Piano Improvisations II "Civilization" © 2004
This CD is available for $29 plus shipping
Contact me if you want to order a copy!


La Belle Premiere
A raving success!

The new production from world famous Imago Theatre "LA BELLE - Lost In the world of the automaton" is a big hit in Portland Oregon.

It's all wow factor!
Lee Williams, The Oregonian

Imago Theatre licensed a couple of compositions from my library for this marvelous and enchanting production.


Film Noir
Playing on the dark side

I recently created a Film-Noir like original score for the short film "A Church of Cards" directed by Katelyn Thomas.

I enjoyed creating the authentic noir jazz style score and playing the alto saxophone and flute on the recordings of this very atmospheric production.


Treasure Of Albion

Successful at the Worldfest International Film Festival, Houston, Texas

Treasure Of Albion has received a Bronze Award at the Worldfest International Film Festival, Houston, Texas.

Treasure Of Albion

Successful premiered at BAFTA in London

Treasure of Albion - Screen capture

Treasure Of Albion is a youth action "feel-good" film that is sure to capture the imagination of a wide-ranging family audience. An escapist adventure film about a quest for the legendary lost treasure of British Kings. A story about treasure hunts, knights, quad bike races, microlights and foodfights. Youngsters at an outdoor pursuits centre find clues that lead to the lost Treasure of Albion. There is an evil corporation led by Harvey Van Bolingbroke, played by Todd Carty that is hell bent on stealing Britain's greatest treasure. It is left up to the youngsters to outwit Bolingbroke and save the treasure.

© Peter M.R. Schmidt alias Pedro Celli - The music recordings available through this website are protected by international copyright laws. Unauthorized copying, hiring, lending, public performance and broadcasting is prohibited. You may download the tracks for evaluation only. Using the music in association with a production requires the appropriate license to be purchased.

All third party trademarks (including logos and icons) referenced on this website remain the property of their respective owners. Design and programming by Peter M.R. Schmidt, © Copyright 2018. All rights reserved.